Friday, September 18, 2020



Julie will sometimes drop something off in my car while I am at work.
She dropped off something tonight unexpectedly, and we're probably going to have to go to marriage counseling because.... I have a case of diet Pepsi in front seat.
It wasn't mine, I swear! One of my co-workers asked me to hold it for him. I only drink diet Coke, even when there isn't anyone around to witness! Honest!

Thanks all for the birthday wishes. Turning 29 is difficult, but I will soldier on regardless.

Was minding my own business in the candy aisle searching for Milk Duds to go in my lunch box for work:
"Mom, Carter's friends say that he like me, but whenever I'm around him, he'll tug on my braid or kinda bump into me on purpose" said a Junior High aged girl.
"Sometimes that's how boys let you know they like you" said the mom.
"But that's soooo stupid! Why don't they just come out and say it?" asked the girl.
The mom caught my eye, possibly hoping that I could shed some light on the subject.
I gave my "I've got nothing" shrug with an apologetic head shake and walked to the register.
"It doesn't get better does it" said the daughter.
I guess it's better that she learns now at a young age.



The dew was thick on the grass, the morning brisk. The sun hadn't yet made its way over the horizon, but the salmon-colored clouds announced that it was only a matter of time before all the other hunters would converge.
I wet my finger and tested the air. Almost time, almost time.
Armed with my leather Wal-Mart special billfold, I had paid particular attention to my ammunition. You just don't want a jam in this situation. Timing was critical.
I tested my draw technique. Right hand reach for back pocket, firmly grasp billfold. Remove from pocket, and double-hand open the tri-fold exposing both debit and credit cards.
Today, I would be using my trusty Rock Canyon bank card, black in color. It smelt of garlic...because where I work, there is garlic everywhere. So everything smells of garlic, and sadness.
I realized that my timing was off. The dog had put off needing to go to the bathroom until the very moment I needed to step outside my home. I would now have to hurry if I was to get my prey.
I waited while the dog sniffed around for what seemed an eternity. At long last, she appeared to be ready to do her business, but one of the neighbor kids rode by on his skateboard and distracted her. I vowed a vow that I would steal his skateboard and paint it bright pink, should he have ruined my hunt.
The dog resumed sniffing, and in the same amount of time it takes to hear the entirety of Wagner's "Ring Cycle", she was done.
Already my fellow hunters were positioned for a quick dash to our prey. I eyed an elderly lady with a walker, thinking that she might be easy to elbow out of the way, but her steely eyes told me that she would gladly hip-check me if I tried such foolishness. I decided the 300 lb. biker would be less trouble than she.
The doors opened! Dodging in and out of aisles, ignoring the cases of diet Coke and boxes of doughnuts, I made my way to the hunting grounds. To my left, the elderly lady hurdled a pallet of Cheetos and had knocked the biker to his knees, tears now streaming down his bearded cheeks as his dreams of happy hunting disappeared.
There it was! It was now in our sights and within our grasp!
10 left. Now 9, now 6 because some ignoramus decided to hoard 3, then 5. I took aim and grabbed....
I looked around slowly. My fellow hunters looked back at me, envious faces all.
I had done it. I had done what was almost impossible. I held my prey firmly in my grasp, not really believing that it was real. My primitive ancestors may have slain the mighty woolie mammoth, but none was more mighty than I in that moment.
For I...I had scored what all else had sought, but failed.
18 Mega Rolls of Angel Soft
Bathroom Tissue!
And I marched triumphantly home...after returning to aisle three for diet Coke.

As an introvert, I LOVE social distancing. Been practicing it my while life. My wife, not so much...

December 2020 baby names:
Boy: Covid
Girl: Charmin
'Cause that is how my brain works when I'm left alone without adult supervision.

The company I work for will be taking everyone's temperature before we are allowed to work.
Hopefully, they won't be taking our temperature in "the same manner" in which we did as children.

Only people "of a certain age" will understand.
Whenever I hear an update or see a post, I start singing, "Everybody was Kung Flu fighting".
I know it's not that funny, but not bad considering we're in the middle of the apocalypse.

Logically: I only need to make enough stew to feed three people.
The reality: I make enough to feed our 15 people who have been stranded on a deserted island forced to subsist on rainwater and raw slugs.
And I'm making garlic bread.

"You're beard totally makes you look like Santa" said the cashier.
Will be shaving right after work.

Had a birthday the other day. Normally, Julie will just throw the junk mail away, but the letter addressed to me from AARP mysteriously made it to my desk...right where I would not miss it. I would NEVER do something so mean.


Sitting at Les Schwab, wearing a mask, working on my laptop, and spending A LOT OF MONEY, on a vehicle that we've already spent A LOT OF MONEY on over the years. But need to get it fixed because I need it to get to work because this fix is costing A LOT OF MONEY!

It's a vicious circle.

We have "Angry Karen" and "Wild Karen" memes. So what is the male equivelant of an "Angry Karen"?
The reason why I ask:
Me in line at the checkout stand:
Guy: "What is the name of the stock girl in the frozen foods. I would like to report her?"
Cashier: "I'm sorry. I don't know who is currently in the frozen area"
Guy: "You don't know, or you won't tell me?"
Cashier: "Well, it's a pretty big store. I don't know who is over there now. Can I help you with something?"
Guy: "Yes. I need a manager. She was stocking the frozen foods, WITH A SMALL TEAR ON THE BACK OF HER GLOVE. If I get the Corolla (not a typo) Virus, my uncle is going to sue you"
Cashier: "I'll be happy to call my manager".
And that's where I lost interest having seen that scenario played out hundreds of times.
So. Male equivalent for an "Angry Karen".

Wow. Cologne should be used AFTER a shower...not INSTEAD of a shower. Just wow.

After being an "essential worker" for several weeks now, I feel like I would be an expert at sanitizing a crime scene. Wearing a mask and gloves, washing hands, wiping down steering wheel, doors, keys, wallet, or any other surface that someone touched.
And I WILL spray you in the face with Lysol or a flame thrower if you cough or sneeze within 100 yards of me.

Bucket list item completed! Just finished writing my first novel! The first book in a trilogy. Not expecting anything to come of it. Just wanted to do something creative

For Easter, I slept and went to work.
"Rock on" essential workers of the world!

Splattered some sickly-sweet concentrated maple on my face-mask. Getting queasy to my stomach smelling that for an entire 12-hour shift.

Just found myself whistling and walking with a jaunty step...because I'm sporting a new pair of work suspenders.
Next up: shoes with Velcro and chest-high pants.
I'm turning into a geezer.

Who'd have thunk that being repulsive to the girls in high school would actually prepare me for the pandemic? I've got this!

List 10 jobs you’ve had, one of them being a fib. Let’s see if you can guess the lie!
1. Maker of dog treats.
2. Catalog project manager.
3. Lifeguard. (PICK ME! PICK ME)
4. Wal-Mart Academy instructor.
5. Teacher.
6. Marketing and sales.
7. Carpet cleaner.
8. Baker.
9. Weed abatement crew leader.
10. Track/football coach.



Found a potato chip in my facemask when I came off of break today. Score!

Julie just gave me my first quarantine haircut.
And what did we learn?
"Hey. You're getting a bald spot on the back of your head just like your dad!" she said gleefully.
Gleefully 😒
On a bright note, it is a good haircut.

Still virus-free! Round two testing a success! I've been social-distancing my whole life and it is now paying off!
I wasn't anti-social. I was a visionary trend-setter.

I HATE being sticky. It's almost phobia level. One of the reasons I don't buy certain foods (sticky donuts, oranges, Cheetos) is because they, while delicious, make my fingers sticky.
Next level sticky phobia is something that is sticky that gets down the back of my neck.
The reason I bring this up: every time I use the sugar silo tonight at work, it keeps venting sugar dust all over me. I am a sticky, phobic, walking mess, and I need caffeine and a hug.

Quick question: how much toilet paper should we hoard to combat the new "murder hornet" scare? Asking for a friend.

My wife, Julie, says that I can select a good herring...and I don't even like herring. And I don't ever remember eating herring before. But who am I to argue about my fish selection skills? I am a good fisherman, however. I routinely catch my limit, so I probably am good at choosing a good herring 🐟
My bad. She says I have selective hearing.

Officially tested negative for Corona Virus at work today.
Did get a positive hit for "Idon'twannaworkIjustwannabangonmydrumallday-itis"
It is considered terminal and highly contagious.
Symptoms are:
1. Not wanting to engage in labor of any kind and
2. An overwhelming desire to play percussion instruments throughout the day.
Only 20 more years until retirement and percussion playing.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Volunteered for overtime this week. Looking for a fat paycheck. It used to be that I had a skinny paycheck and a fat body. This time I will have a fat body AND a fat paycheck. I like this way better.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020, 7:46 AM Angel L Centeno <> wrote:
I am Angel L. Centeno, (Attorney to late Mr. Edward Sintay). I got your name and contact information in my quest for any of his existing extended family, I am writing you on highly confidential ground with mutual benefit. I'd appreciate if you get back to me by reconfirming your contact details as I'd like to deal directly with you to enable me divulge to you details on why I contacted you.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. I expect to hear from you asap.
Angel L. Centeno
Dear Mr. Attorney,
Uncle Edward died? Oh, no! I loved him! By all means. Let me provide you with the pertanent information you need.
Full name: David Cintae (legal spelling)
Social Security Number: 555-00-4321
I anticipate you'll need my bank account number: 1122334455. I also anticipate that you will need some money as a down payment for whatever dear cousin Edward left me. Feel free to just access my account and take whatever money you need. I trust you implicitly. That should save us some time.
If that doesn't work, my debit card number can be used. Remarkably, it is the same number as my bank account number (see above). You accept Visa?
The pin number is 4321. I use the pin for all my important accounts. I trust you will keep that a secret? I have thousands of dollars just sitting there that we have been saving as a down payment on a house. Last count (we checked sometime last year) there was $67,333.75 saved.
I don't check the balance very much, so anyone could steal my money and I wouldn't know for months that something was wrong!
My credit card has a $25,000 limit. I just paid it completely off several months ago, so the entire amount is at your disposal. I'm so lucky that the credit card number is the exact same as my bank account and debit card number! (See above).
Anyway, that should help you with freeing up the inheritance that Grandpa Edward left me. Did I mention I loved him dearly?
Oh, and for your efforts, I just want $5000 from my late brother Edward. You can keep the millions that I'm sure he left me.
Best regards!

Each weekend as I drive to work, the freeway is packed with campers, trailers hauling boats and other water craft, off-road vehicles aplenty...and it makes me feel sad... that those poor people have to head for the great outdoors instead of working 12-hour shifts in a hot warehouse making doggy treats.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, you poor miserable people, trying your best to "put on a happy face" for the drudgery that lies ahead. Again, please accept my thoughts and prayers in your behalf.

Tonight I discovered a section in the warehouse that I will forever dub the "Go-go Dancer" section. We store Ginger, Amber, Honey, Jasmine, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg there. We also have a pallet of salt. Salt must be the bouncer for the "Go-go Dancer" section.

And now a word from my spirit animal:
"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all"
-Thumper Rabbit
"Eating greens is a special treat. It makes long ears and great big feet...but it's really nasty stuff to eat...I made that last part up myself"
-Also Thumper Rabbit

Not sure which is worse: the paper cut, or applying the liquid bandage?
I'm not crying, you're crying

Some days, one can stack pallets with a forklift with ultimate precision, not even touching the side-shift lever. Maneuvering gracefully in and out of tight spots mere inches wider than the lift itself.
Some days, one uses the turn signal to warn the on-coming forklift of directional intentions...forgetting that the lift does not, in fact, have a turn signal lever. It does, however, have the forward and reverse lever in that very spot. What once was moving North is immediately moving South. An experienced operator makes it look intentional. An operator with a music degree lets loose with a high-pitched scream.

The computer screen at work displays two scales that I use to weigh out ingredients. One is called the Major Scale 😀. The other... the Micro Scale😞. The music major in me finds this totally unacceptable.
I would have also been happy with Ionic Scale and Aeolian Scale, but the software developer was limited in his/her musical knowledge.

Ok, fess up. Who uttered the name of the "Scottish Play" while in the theater?

July 2020 Posts

Dave's handy steps to follow when you find yourself sliding sideways down a ramp on a top-heavy forklift because some idiot dropped flour on the ramp and failed to clean it up.

1. Panic. Experts say not to panic in this type of situation, but you're going to panic regardless, so you might as well get on with it.
2. Press harder and harder on the brake hoping that it will slow your descent. It won't, but you'll feel better about trying.
3. Remember your training from driver's ed that says something about turning into your skid.
4. Remember too late that you're on a rear-steer vehicle so that information is useless.
5. Warn your fellow workers will a high-pitched scream. A word of warning. Instead of being thankful for your thoughtfulness regarding their safety, you might get smart-alecky remarks like, "I didn't know you sing soprano" or "was that the fire alarm?" or " you better check your underwear".
6. Check your underwear.
7. Think bad thoughts the rest of your shift about punching the flour-spiller in the nose.

Nooooooooo! My wife's OCD is finally rubbing off on me! Just tore a piece of paper in half to make a quick note and THREW IT AWAY AND REDID IT BECAUSE IT WAS AN UNEVEN TEAR!
What is happening to my perfectly oblivious life? Please, please don't tell me I'm going to start (shudder)...noticing stuff? Become aware of my surroundings?
(Clicking heals) There's no place like home...there's no place like home...wake up...wake uuuupppp!

12 hours of work, then it's off to the cabin we reserved. First trip in...I don't even remember. Probably a year and a half, if not two. Hopefully that changes. I've been a dreamer stuck in a horribly practical world without color.

Hope y'all have a C to F. I'll be running a Fork Lift in a hot warehouse, so it won't be a Bb to Eb for me.

My inner voice: "You're over 50 now. We gotta eat better. You're not a kid anymore. So we're going to go into the store, grab a healthy salad, some fruit, maybe bite-sized Snickers as a reward....DORITOS ON SALE FOR $1.99? BUY IT! BUY IT! Come on, Chubby boy. Who are we kidding?You know it's too late for us!"


  Julie will sometimes drop something off in my car while I am at work. She dropped off something tonight unexpectedly , and we're proba...