3:30 AM - Alarm goes off.
3:30:01 AM - Slap "snooze" button.
3:34 AM - Alarm goes off again.
3:34:01 AM - Slap the "snooze" button a little harder.
3:38 AM - Alarm goes off once again.
3:38:01 AM - ........you get the picture.
4:00 AM - Finally lose the snooze battle and I drag myself out of bed.
4:05 AM - Shower.
4:10 AM - Pour cereal into bowl.
4:11 AM - Pour cereal back into box because there is no milk.
4:12 AM - Make some toast.
4:13 AM - Pour glass of milk. The good news is that I found the milk.
4:20 AM - Wake up with toast stuck to my face. Wipe butter and jam off of face with a fresh slice of bread. 'Waste not, want not' I always say.
4:21 AM - Throw bread in garbage.
4:30 AM - Pat the wife goodbye and kiss the dog.
4:31 AM - Climb inside my '92 Pontiac Station Wagon.
4:32 AM - Go back inside the house and get car keys.
4:33 AM - Stop light. I am the first in line with several cars behind me. The two lane road turns into a one lane road up ahead.
4:33:30 AM - Driver with a new Jaguar pulls up along side my car. He's going to try to get the jump on me and the cars behind me. I am a former middle school teacher. Taking "cuts" is bad! Oh, it's on now!
4:33:03 AM - Pretend not to notice Jaguar. Play "air guitar" drums on the steering wheel to make it appear I'm not paying attention to the lights.
4:33:30 AM - See the lights of the through traffic turn yellow. A split second before my light turns green, punch accelerator. Take Jaguar by surprise.
4:33:01 AM - Drivers behind me recognize my brilliant play and move up into blocking position. They are tighter on my bumper than two lovers lost in a snowstorm....whatever that means.
4:33:03 AM - Jaguar comes even with my car and begins to signal to merge.
4:33:04 AM - Pretend not to notice the signaling Jaguar and continue accelerating.
4:33:05 AM - Jaguar driver decides that I have nothing to lose driving a '92 Pontiac Station Wagon, wherein he has a lot to lose driving a 2011 $50,000 vehicle. Decides to back off before the road narrows to one lane ahead.
4:33:10 AM - Watch in my rear view mirror as the Jaguar falls 4 cars behind where he would have been had he not tried to take "cuts". The day is starting good.
4:55 AM - Arrive at store. Congratulate myself for being 5 minutes early.
4:58 AM - Clock in....at least that's what I want to do, but since I left my badge in the car....I'll be right back.
5:03 AM - So now I'm late.
5:05 AM - Say "hello" to all the bakery employees who are hard at work.
5:10 AM - Begin pulling "expired" items off the bread racks.
My haul today also includes:
(1) Dress.
(1) Shoe.
(1) Half eaten doughnut.
(2) Cans of Spam.
(2) Jars of spaghetti sauce.
(1) Hammer.
(1) Jar of pickles.
(3) Soda bottles (empty).
6:00 AM - Finish removing expired items and replace them with fresh items.
6:05 AM - A customer asks for the "fresh" items on the carts rather than the items on the sales floor. Try to explain that the items on the cart are the expired items. Customer doesn't believe me....so she gets a loaf of two-day-old french bread rather than 2-minute-old french bread. "The customer is always right" they say.
10:00 AM - Lunch time. Escape to the '92 Pontiac Station Wagon for lunch and a good book. Naturally, both the book and the lunch are at home on the counter.
11:00 AM - Back on the sales floor. See that fruitcake sales are going nowhere. Sample out fruitcake in hopes to increase sales.
11:15 AM - For some unknown reason, the sales in the competing bakery across the street raises dramatically, while sales plummet in mine.
11:16 AM - Taste the fruitcake sample for myself.
11:16:01 AM - Spit out nasty fruitcake and wipe the inside of my mouth with apron to get rid of the taste. Consider rinsing mouth with bleach, but settle for an entire box of Altoids.
11:20 AM - Remove fruitcake samples. Immediately sales return to normal.
2:00 PM - My day is done!
2:05 PM - Stop light. I am the first in line with several cars behind me.....
way to teach that jaguar driver a lesson. This also answers the question as to why I never see you in that delightful place any more, you are there way to early. Sorry about leaving the hammer in the bakery dept I thought you would get the joke and break into some `hammer time`